Why am I here? What am I looking for?
Why are you reading this prose written by me, bouncing round the ether and eventually read by you, the reader.
I can say that I have looked for God as a child and I did not find him. But the idea of God has many meanings. Maybe I have searched in the wrong place. In any case, the fact is that I gave up on any kind of God for a long, long time. I have no religion whatsoever, but yes, I can tell you for sure that I am looking for something. I used to be looking for a scientific understanding of observed phenomena in nature, how the universe came into its present state, a description of the fundamental interactions and particles, why their properties are the way the are, etc, etc. I used to believe that the scientific method is the only way to probe those questions, but at the same time I do not know whether those questions have an ultimate answer.
Would an ultimate answer be God?
I am a man of Science, but yet I am also a man of Art, of Philosophy, and of Thought.Can the rational calculations of Science exist in harmony with the beauty of Art, the Power of Philosophy and Thought?
I am also interested on the many levels of human interaction. From the Spiritual to the Instinctive. Is there a basic need for us to harmonise and feel comfortable with our peers? And from where does this drive come from?
This, Reader, is my journey.